Modern Arnis/Kombatan

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Modern Arnis = Philippine stick and weaponry
Mano Mano = weaponless self-defense

Kombatan Presas Style is a realistic self-defense that combines the Filipino martial arts Modern Arnis and Mano Mano. In addition to the character and spiritual training that should be part of every Budo sport, the ability to defend oneself adequately in any situation is a goal of our training.

Modern Arnis is not only to be understood as a stick fight, because not only the stick defense against stick attacks is taught, but effectively all possible defense and attack combinations. First, it is about defending oneself with everyday objects that are quickly graspable in reality. Secondly, it is important to be able to defend oneself against weapons used in today's street fighting - bottles, sticks, knives, chains, etc... That is why the handling of weapons is trained, because only those who can handle a weapon are able to defend themselves adequately against it.
This range of weapons is not identical with the traditional knife and machete techniques, which in turn represent their own system: the classical Arnis. The cultivation of the traditional Filipino martial arts, which the Spanish conquerors of the 16th century already had to deal with, are an obligatory part of the training.
The transfer of stick techniques to other objects as well as to the weaponless is an important basic idea in Modern Arnis. We train the use of everyday objects such as umbrellas, beer mugs, bottles, pens, etc. in realistic situations.

Mano Mano has been developed from Modern Arnis and represents its own weaponless melee system. The origins were the double-deck techniques of Modern Arnis. Without having to learn completely new techniques, the blocks and counter-attacks were transferred from the stick area into the weaponless area and modified accordingly. Blocks and blows are as much a part of the Mano Mano technique as throws, levers, kicks and disarms.
The training is divided into two closely connected systems: the weaponless area (Mano Mano) and the weapon fighting area (Modern Arnis). This division continues consistently up to the examination regulations, in which two examinations are taken for each belt colour - one with weapons and one without weapons.

Modern Arnis / Kombatan

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